FAQs (frecuently asked questions)

“If we get married in México, is it considered legal in our own country?”

The "Acta de Matrimonio" (your proof-of-marriage certificate) is recognized by the United States, Canada, France, England, Scotland, Ireland, Germany and many other countries.

“What is needed to have a civil (legal) wedding?”

The requirement documents for a civil marriage for foreigners in Isla Mujeres are:

  • A valid passport.
  • A certified copy of your Birth Certificate (with the Apositille Seal).
  • Photo ID (i.e. driver´s license).
  • 4 witnesses with passports.
  • Your tourist card (entry visa)
  • Blood test results (can be obtained on Isla)
  • Completed Civil Marriage form

“What is the difference between a Civil Wedding and a Spiritual Ceremony?”

Only a mexican civil wedding is considered legal. A spiritual wedding is a ceremony to reaffirm your commitment to your spouse.

“What is needed to have a Spiritual Ceremony?”

Just you and your spouse.

Sección Rocas, Lote 9 y 10, Hotel Playa La Media Luna, Isla Mujeres, Q. Roo, México, CP 77400.
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